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Monday, December 15, 2008

Unusual Weather

Good Afternoon:

As I write, the temperature on Harbor Island is 64 F. This is a bit unusual for the lowcountry at this time of year. The good news the temperature is supposed to be 77 F by Wednesday. So if you're local, it seems like a good time to get in a few last rounds of golf. If you aren't here, well I wish you were so you could share this delightful time with us.



chesnut said...

Is 64 degrees unusually high or low?. I live in Cleveland, Ohio, and 64 degrees this time of year wouldn't just be unusual, it'd be unheard of. The lowcountry sounds like a very nice place. I only recently learned of its existence but am hoping to come see it some day.

lowcountrybroker said...

Well chesnut, being in Cleveland at this time of year sounds like punishment to me. You are right, the lowcountry is a wonderful place to live, work and play. Now that you know about us, don't waste anymore time, c'mon down.

Michelle Basso said...

I am also enjoying the warm weather. My Dad is here visiting the lowcountry from Pennsylvania & he is really enjoying it. He actually is ALMOST getting tired of eating the area's fresh local shrimp which we think is the best in the country.I am headed north on Thursday & am not looking forward to the cold.

chesnut said...

Don't worry Michelle, it's above freezing today and there's no snow.

Cindy said...

Well Michelle, I am sure sorry about your luck having to go north at this time of year, hopefully you'll be back to paradise quickly.

Chesnut,hearing the weather report from Cleveland is just painful.

I think I'll put the top down on my car as I drive home from work.

Michelle Basso said...

It's okay Cindy, I'm visitng my family for the holidays! The good thing is I don't have to pack anything because I left all of my winter clothes at my Dad's house in PA......I'll never need them here in paradise.

Chestnut, I'm from outside of Pittsburgh & I hear it's going to "warm up" there later in the week (whatever that means)